Monday, July 28, 2008

Daddy Tapes

We are getting ready to start our first year of homeschooling with the boys, Isaac and Bub this September. And I have been going through some materials to get ready, a lot of which I had organized last year, but I came across a book by the Maxwells that Heather Bislew showed me when we were down in Mankato last weekend. It is about managing your time with a schedule that maximizes your time so that all of the things you need to get done each day, school, chores, cooking, devotions, etc are all organized. In the book there is such a great idea! It is called "Daddy Tapes" and the idea is that, as we all know, kids need the nuture and the admonition and teaching of their daddies, but most daddies go to work all day every day and are not there for most of the homeschooling/play throughout the day, and so the kids miss those opportunities. The idea of the Daddy Tapes is that their daddy would pre-record a tape on a certain topic each week and then the kids get to listen to it during the day at an appointed time and spend time with their daddy that way, learning from him on whatever topic he chooses. This is such a fun idea, I love it! Also, here are some recent pictures of the kids.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Isaac Overcomes!

My parents have a jet ski up at their cabin and the whole summer, Isaac has been afraid to ride it. Every time we mention him going on the jet ski he kicks his legs and hops up and down and shouts "no! It's too scary!" I had been talking to Isaac about how he cannot let fear control him and keep him from doing things in his life and that he needs to trust God that He will keep Isaac safe and that Mommy will not let anything happen to him. He had been talking with me about that for about a month, but still would not go on the jet ski. Finally, right before we left to come home last week, we had abreakthrough with him dealing with fear. I know it may seem silly, since it is just a jet ski, but to him, it was real fear. I know what fear is like and that it can take root in us when we are children and turn into a real debihilitating stronghold when we are adults in different areas of our lives, so I really wanted Isaac to overcome this! I was taking Bubby, who of course, loves the jet ski and has no fear of the water or going FAST! Isaac was standing at the end of the dock looking at Bub and I, and I asked him one more time, "Come on Isaac, don't be afraid! God is going to help you overcome that fear. Come with Mommy and Bubby." And, he said yes! A small victory, but an important one

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Contact Your House Representative

An alarming bill was passed in 2008 regarding our young children that would allow the government officials to mentally screen our young children according to their standards. Please contact your house representative IMMEDIATELY in opposition to this issue and tell them to vote "no" to the HR 3289 Act, Providing Resources for Kids Act of 2008(Pre-K) and the HR 2343 the Education Begins at Home Act.

You can read about this issue at

The One Thing That Never Changes

"The One Thing"
by Paul Coleman

Here I am
In a river of questions
Can I pour my heart out to a listening ear?
I see this life
Its valleys and mountains
And I think of all the roads that brought me here
I’ve questioned my reasons
The life I’m living
I’ve questioned my ability
To judge wrong from right
I’ve questioned all the things that I’ve ever called certain
My race, my religion, my country, my mind

But the one thing I don’t question is You
You really love me like you say you do
You really love me like you say you do
Hold me
Hold me

I’ve questioned significance
Meaning and relevance
Does the work I’m doing really matter at all?
Well I’ve questioned my friendships
Alliance, dependence
Who will still be here when I fall?

Only one thing doesn’t change
Only one thing stays the same
All I know at the end of the day is Your love remains
[ The One Thing Lyrics on

When everything falls apart, as it often does, we can count on the truth and love of Christ to be our firm foundtion when all else fails, He will never change. May we all uphold that standard of truth, intergrity, character and love for one another as we seek to be sober minded and vigilent in this present evil age, shining as lights in the universe amongst a twisted and perverse worldly generation.May we be careful to have the fear of the Lord in our hearts to keep us from sinning agianst Him, and to instruct us in all our ways. We are the hope of the world, the instrument of Christ, His body that reaches out to the lives around us!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bubby Prayed!

We have been really struggling with Bubby over the last couple of weeks with his attitude and whining, and I have to admit, it has been really sanctifying! We just couldn't seem to get a breakthrough with him, and I have been very troubled by his lack of response to me during these times lately. I had been praying about it and seeking some counsel, and today, something happened. All day today, Bubby has had a really good attitude, and has been happy and listening to my instruction very well. At naptime, I was putting Isaac and Bubby down for their nap and I was telling them a story that I was making up as I went along. I was rocking Bubby in my lap and a story came on my heart, which I think was from the Lord, about Isaac and Bubby when they are grown up. The story was about them buying a red and white airplane and filling it with food and water and bibles and flying over the ocean to Africa and other countries where there were many little children who were hungry and thristy and have never heard the gospel and the Good News of Jesus. I was telling the boys this story about how they would climb in the big red and white airplane and fly over the ocean to hand out the food and water and bibles to the little children and their families and tell them all about Jesus as they read their new bibles. At this point, Bubby said, "Where is Jesus?" and I told him, "Jesus is up in heaven and he sends his Holy Spirit down to earth to fill our hearts if we ask Him to!" and then Bubby said, "Jesus is in MY heart!" and I said, "Is he? You can ask Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and forgive you of your disobedience, and He will fill your heart with joy!" and then, my little two and a half year old son said, " Jesus, come into my heart, amen" and "fill me up!" Bubby has said little prayers before, but always repeating after Mama, and not really on his own very much. But this was different! I knew it was coming from his heart, and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. I believe that it was a sincere prayer of faith towards God, and even though he is really little and will make many mistakes as he matures, this will be a turning point in his heart towards the Lord. Thank you Jesus! What a testimony. Even when I fail as a mother and make so many mistakes, and am impatient with my children, and so many other things, God is still so merciful to me! What a wonderful God we serve.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Selection from Psalm 116

I love the Lord because He hears my voice
and my prayer for mercy
Because He bends down to listen
I will pray as long as I have breath!
Death wrapped its ropes around me;
the terrors of the grave overtook me
I saw only trouble and sorrow
Then I called on the Name of the Lord;
"Please, Lord, save me!"
How kind the Lord is!
How good He is!
So merciful, this God of ours!
The Lord protects those of childlike faith;
Let my soul be at rest again,
for the lord has been good to me.

He has saved me from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling.
And so I walk in the Lord's presence
as I live here on earth

Our family has had some exciting trips and adventures this summer so far, and it has been great! I wish I could say that everything in life is peaches and cream, but there have been some things that we have been facing that have been pretty stressful too, and pretty overwhelming. Sometimes, when I feel like giving up, and I can't feel God's presence, I just begin to read the Psalms. As I was reading them last night, this passage really struck me. Later on, I was rocking Shiloh to sleep and all of a sudden I just felt the Lord's presence come, and He just said, " I am here, I am with you!"

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July!

We spent the 4th of July up at my parents cabin in wisconsin. The kids and I came up on thursday and James just joined us tonight on friday night. We were sooo happy to have him, done with work and up here with us! Hope you all are having a great 4th too, and here are some cute pictures of our weekend so far.