Monday, June 30, 2008

God spoke to Isaac

Earlier today, Isaac, Ezra and I were outside playing in the sprinkler in the front yard. The kids were riding their bikes back and forth through the sprinkler just like they always do. When I say "ride" their bikes, I mean, sit on their bikes and push their bikes along with their feet on the pavement. Isaac had pushed his bike this way ever since he was old enough to sit on it. He just uses his feet to push the bike along the pavement. Many times I have tried to get him to actually pedal his bike using the pedals, but he has always refused to even try! So today we were playing as usual when I heard Isaac say, "Look Mom, I'm pedaling my bike!" And sure enough, there he was, pedaling along, and doing it just great, for the first time ever! At nap time, I was cuddling him, and I told him how proud I was of him pedaling his bike for the first time. He smiled and then he said to me, "I never wanted to pedal to before. Last days(which is what he says instead of 'yesterday'), I always just pushed my bike with my feet. But today when I was on my bike, God said, "pedal!", so I pedaled! I obeyed God, Momma! He said "pedal" and I did it!" Praise God for His faithfulness to my children! To hear Isaac say that he heard God's voice was SO EXCITING! And that Isaac responded to what God said is even better. We truly serve an amazing and glorious God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That made me cry! What a sweet moment :)