Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Isaac Goes to the Dentist!

Our little birthday boy, Isaac James, went to the dentist for the first time yesterday, and it was quite the affair! I had been putting off taking him for over a year and I decided that onn his fourth bday, it was just getting ridiculous that we hadn't had his teeth checked yet, so I made the apt. Isaac was adamant that he did not want to go, because the dentist in the movie "Finding Nemo" was always drilling on someone's teeth and then they would scream. What an observant kid! I never would have even thought of that! After much explanation, I finally convinced Isaac that they were just going to "count" his teeth. He still didn't want to go, but on we went. I was a little concerned that when we got there, he was going to make a big fuss, but lo and behold, he was very brave! He climbed right up into the big dentist's chair and proudly said, "I'll go first so Bubby won't be scared!" And he did a great job, even when they were taking x-rays of his teeth. My my, he's getting to be such a big boy. Bubby, on the other hand, seemed calm right up until it was his turn, and then he began kicking and screaming and I had to hold him in the chair. Let's just suffice it to say, his check lasted all of sixty seconds! But afterwards, I got him to sit in the chair and take a pretty cute picture.


Anonymous said...

So I totally teared up when I read what Isaac said about going first! How noble and brave! He's a special kid :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you lady!! Its hard when they dont like it..hehe! They are getting so big and are so cute!!!